I've just had a chance to play with the implementation of websockets
in Googles Chrome browser.
This post started me off.
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.
I think this means the death of the following technologies:
- comet
- long-poll
- keep-alive sockets
All the above are merely hacks, inadequate ways of programming round the central problem that web-browsers could not simply open a socket and do asynchronous I/O like any other regular application.
Well now things have changed, web sockets are hereIt's not a question of if long-poll etc. will die, it's just a question of when.
Once the handshake is over, web sockets work more or less like regular sockets. The important point to note is that the overhead involved in managing a web socket is minimal. In interactive applications, for example, when providing auto-complete of characters that are typed into a buffer, the current AJAX technology imposes an enormous overhead since virtually all the time in the server is spend parsing HTTP headers.
Pushing data to a client has for years been a total mess. Attempts to circumvent this have involved things like long-poll and comet, or even simply just polling the server on a regular basis. All this is now irrelevant.
So let's see what this means with an Erlang exampleSending messages to a region in a browser from Erlang is extremely easy using websockets.
Add this to your web page:
<div id="tag"></div>
Then do this in Erlang:
Browser ! {send, "tag ! XXX"}
XXX will appear in the div
The server codestart() ->
F = fun interact/2,
spawn(fun() -> start(F, 0) end).
interact(Browser, State) ->
{browser, Browser, Str} ->
Str1 = lists:reverse(Str),
Browser ! {send, "out ! " ++ Str1},
interact(Browser, State);
after 100 ->
Browser ! {send, "clock ! tick " ++
interact(Browser, State+1)
To send a message to a tagged region
tag in the browser I just say
Browser ! {send "tag ! message"} this could hardly be easier.
The detailsIf you want to try this yourself you'll need a version of chrome that supports web sockets. Then two files local_sever.erl and interact.html
They are listed at the end of this article:
To run things you'll need a local web server and Erlang.
Compile local_server.erl and start by evaluating local_server:start(). Then serve the web page interact.html from your local server.
%% start()
%% This should be in another module for clarity
%% but is included here to make the example self-contained
start() ->
F = fun interact/2,
spawn(fun() -> start(F, 0) end).
interact(Browser, State) ->
{browser, Browser, Str} ->
Str1 = lists:reverse(Str),
Browser ! {send, "out ! " ++ Str1},
interact(Browser, State);
after 100 ->
Browser ! {send, "clock ! tick " ++ integer_to_list(State)},
interact(Browser, State+1)
start(F, State0) ->
{ok, Listen} = gen_tcp:listen(1234, [{packet,0},
{active, true}]),
par_connect(Listen, F, State0).
par_connect(Listen, F, State0) ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(Listen),
spawn(fun() -> par_connect(Listen, F, State0) end),
wait(Socket, F, State0).
wait(Socket, F, State0) ->
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->
Handshake =
"HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n",
"Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n",
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n",
"WebSocket-Origin: http://localhost:2246\r\n",
"WebSocket-Location: ",
" ws://localhost:1234/websession\r\n\r\n"
gen_tcp:send(Socket, Handshake),
S = self(),
Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> F(S, State0) end),
loop(zero, Socket, Pid);
Any ->
wait(Socket, F, State0)
loop(Buff, Socket, Pid) ->
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->
handle_data(Buff, Data, Socket, Pid);
{tcp_closed, Socket} ->
Pid ! {browser_closed, self()};
{send, Data} ->
gen_tcp:send(Socket, [0,Data,255]),
loop(Buff, Socket, Pid);
Any ->
loop(Buff, Socket, Pid)
handle_data(zero, [0|T], Socket, Pid) ->
handle_data([], T, Socket, Pid);
handle_data(zero, [], Socket, Pid) ->
loop(zero, Socket, Pid);
handle_data(L, [255|T], Socket, Pid) ->
Line = lists:reverse(L),
Pid ! {browser, self(), Line},
handle_data(zero,T, Socket, Pid);
handle_data(L, [H|T], Socket, Pid) ->
handle_data([H|L], T, Socket, Pid);
handle_data([], L, Socket, Pid) ->
loop(L, Socket, Pid).
And the web page interact.html
<script src='/include/jquery-1.3.2.min.js'></script>
var ws;
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
debug("Horray you have web sockets
Trying to connect...");
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:1234/websession");
ws.onopen = function() {
// Web Socket is connected. You can send data by send() method.
ws.send("hello from the browser");
ws.send("more from browser");
run = function() {
var val=$("#i1").val(); // read the entry
$("#i1").val(""); // and clear it
ws.send(val); // tell erlang
return true; // must do this
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
var data = evt.data;
var i = data.indexOf("!");
var tag = data.slice(0,i);
var val = data.slice(i+1);
$("#" + tag).html(val);
ws.onclose = function()
debug(" socket closed");
} else {
alert("You have no web sockets");
function debug(str){
$("#debug").append("<p>" + str);
<h1>Interaction experiment</h1>
<div id="debug"></div>
<div id="clock">I am a clock</div>
<div id="out">Output should appear here</div>
<p>Enter something in the entry below,
the server will reverse the string and send it to the
out region above</p>
<P>Enter: <input id="i1" onchange="run()" size ="42"></p>